If one has passion towards the ceramic industry and has the required talent to grow in the field of ceramics, then it is the best idea to start pottery business at home itself. The market is quite competitive,and the cost of initial setup is low and affordable. The process of maintaining the industry and the ways of production should be simple. By the right marketing techniques, one can achieve success in this field. Many Structural Design Companies offer excellent suggestions for the take-off of pottery and ceramic business. Amongst the websites that offer the most ultimate business ideas of pottery, https://startups.co.uk/business-ideas-for-2016-pottery/site is the best.
Marketing strategy and smart selling options:
People having pottery business at home can sell their goods to the wholesale marketers or based on consignment. It is a perfect option to participate in trades and craft fairs. One can also make the event of kiln opening an elaborate one to attract visitors and potential customers. People will be interested in purchasing pots right from the kiln and damage of pots will also be less. There are numerous arts and crafts stores and marketplaces online. The pot makers can showcase their goods there too. Developing a personal E-commerce website or official page is also an excellent option. The world has become advanced digitally,and selling ceramics online saves much money and widens the customer base.
Keeping the production process simple:
The process of production should be simple to avoid errors and lessen the defects. The glaze and clay body formulae adopted must be kept uncomplicated. All the numbers in the equations must be rounded off for simplicity. The dyes, suspension agents, stains, oxides, colouring agents and binds should be used in the exact proportions. The small changes in cobalt oxide result in varied end products. Electric kilns are better than fossil fuel kilns to avoid air and fuel mixtures. Clay must be placed near the wedging table and table should be near the pottery wheel to prevent mistakes as places of equipment play a vital role in the production.
Carrying on enough research:
The niche of customers will be small who are interested in handmade pots and ceramic products. The target audience must be selected,and market research is very essential. Competing with mass-produced pottery is also tricky. Handcrafted goods are expensive than goods in normal retail stores. The market that is suitable for this product line should be identified. Some items assure guaranteed income and such product production should be concentrated upon.
Streamlining the lines and ways of product:
The product line with fixed prices will not attract customers. A wide range of prices will help the customers choose their required product. A full set rather than individual pieces will ensure more sales. Custom orders for individual articles and frequent replacements will consume much time. Replication should be strictly avoided. Suppliers who deliver the goods with perfection and without damage of the goods should be chosen. Customer service is the ultimate goal, isn’t it?