Potteries are stunning artistic works, making pots and pottery wares out of ceramic materials made of clay or mud. Potteries have been in use for ages; maybe it can be termed as one among the oldest inventions of humans. With the passage of time, potteries too evolved and are now mainly used for decorative purposes. It is also used as tea cups, cutlery, spoons, water jugs, etc. In short, potteries find multiple uses even in today’s era. Handmade potteries are one of a kind, and its natural, enchanting beauty is sure to lure hearts. The Rock Garden Pottery provides you with a wide variety of potteries that look gorgeous. They decorate it so beautifully, and the finishes are just picture perfect. The making of potteries is done by their exceptionally talented artisans.
Breath Taking Designs On Potteries
After the potteries are made, the next step is to design it in beautiful patterns so that they appeal to the eyes and will be transformed into a beautiful artwork. Here are some of the commonly used techniques for designing potteries:
Painting- Using good quality painting materials, various patterns are painted on the surfaces by painting artists at Rock Garden. Sometimes after painting, a glazing coat is also applied on top of it
Carvings- Sometimes carvings are made on the surface of potteries using knives or other sharp objects. Carvings make the potteries look more like decorative antique pieces and hence are more often used for decorative purposes.
Glazing- This is one of the most commonly used methods and is preferred more as it makes the surface of potteries much stronger. It acts as a protective cover over the potteries. The glazing can be coloured or opaque.
Lithography- It is also called litho and is used to create perfect designs on potteries. First, the decorative pattern is made, then a covering coat is done over it, and finally, a transparent protective cover is done over it.
Gold- Sometimes the surfaces of potteries are decorated using pure gold. Mainly the high quality and rare pieces are decorated using gold. Various forms of gold like bright gold, best gold, acid gold and mussel gold are used to create enchanting and glowing pieces of artistic perfection.
Agateware- These resembles the mineral named Agate, and hence it is named so. It is made by blending clays of various colours so much that they lose their individual properties. These have a distinctive, colourful appearance in looks.
Diamonds- These are their masterpiece products. Potteries are studded with scintillating diamonds sourced from sites like www.ilovediamonds.com, eBay, etc. The glitter of diamonds makes the potteries look just opulent, so much that such potteries were once featured on www.viewarts.org as a token of appreciation for their artistic talent.
These are just some of the ways by which designs on potteries are done. Rock Garden uses various other methods too and creates enthralling pottery designs using the immensely talented and artistic hands of artisans. Check out the designs once, and your heart is sure to skip a beat and yearn for the potteries to usher in a look of elegance and charm to your house.
The post inspired me to make hand made potteries.
The hand made potteries made my garden to look beautiful
The paint use by them in the hand made potteries is of good quality.
I have started to learn to make hand made poterries after reading the above post
At rock gardern pottery they offer wide varieties of hand made potteries. I have bought several hand potteries for my garden from them